Movie Review: The Soloist

Diagnosis and Treatment Plan Project

Students will select a character from a movie (the list will be provided) to serve as the basis for a comprehensive case study. Students will use what they know of this character to construct:
1.    Presenting problem
2.    Biopsychosocial history
3.    Mental status report
4.    DSM-5 diagnosis/diagnoses
5.    Treatment goals and objectives
6.    Evidence-based treatment plan and justification
7.    Differential diagnosis This section is an opportunity for you to offer challenges to the diagnosis you proposed in 4 above. I am interested in any alternative explanations of the clients symptoms, especially those that do not fit in the medical model/DSM philosophy. The following are questions may get you started and guide you in this section.
a. What is your clients assessment of the presenting concerns? Does he/she believe he/she has a mental disorder?
b. In what ways does your client differ from the DSM criteria? For example, what are some behaviors that contradict the diagnosis you selected?
c. How might the clients gender/cultural background/sexual orientation affect his or her diagnosis and treatment plan?
d. What historical-social-political-cultural-familial-religious issues do you need to consider before applying this diagnosis and developing the treatment plan? Are there any alternative explanations for the clients behavior, taking into account these contextual factors?

*Students are welcome to format treatment documents (e.g., history, mental status, diagnosis, treatment goals, treatment plan) as they would in a professional setting. Text and rationale for the above topics should be in narrative form and formatted according to APA guidelines.

All data included in the report must be written using professional language, based on evidence provided in the media source, and supported with a sound clinical rationale. Students are encouraged to consider and document multiple sources of information (e.g., client report, collateral report, observation). When information is not available, the student should indicate that additional information is needed and propose methods for gathering such information. Evidence of differential diagnosis should be provided. Finally, students should support rationale for treatment plan choices by incorporating data from at least six scholarly sources (e.g., DSM-5, treatment manual, journal article).

The grading rubric is as follows:
    Attention to presenting problem, biopsychosocial history, mental status (20 points)
    DSM-5 diagnosis and justification (20 points)
    Treatment plan and goals/objectives/role of pharmacology (20 points)
o    Discuss justifications
    Attention to historical-social-political-cultural issues in all of above (20 points)
    Differential diagnosis (20 points)
    Incomplete or poor APA style and overall writing style can reduce your grade

The movie is The Soloist.  The first part of the paper you wrote about schizophrenia and medications used.  Jamie Foxx played the role about a student who went to Juilliard school of music  and became schizophrenic.

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