Modern Korean History

Korea entered a period of rapid reforms and changes between 1876 and 1945. Based on what you have read in the readings assigned for this course and learned in the lectures, what do you believe were the most important social and economic issues that Korea faced between 1876-1905? Explain why you think these issues were important and how did the Chosn state attempt to resolve them? Then discuss how the Japanese colonial state between 1910-1945 attempted to address the same problems. What specific approaches did the Japanese colonial state take and how do you evaluate the success or failure of the Japanese policies related to the issues that you identified? Make sure to provide specific examples from the readings in your response

The midterm is a 24 hour open book paper where the goal is for the student to demonstrate their mastery of the readings and lectures.

You do not need to cite historical facts that are in the readings.

You should cite historical interpretations/arguments from the readings when appropriate (you may choose any citation style you prefer)

You do not need to consult sources beyond the course readings, but you may as long as you cite them properly.

In your answer, try to present a main argument and the relevant evidence to support your arguments.

I am looking for evidence of “evidence based reasoning”.

If you make a claim about Korean history, you should try to provide evidence for your claims using the readings.

Please make sure to upload your answers to 5-6 pages, double spaced (Times Roman 12 pt font).

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