Media Technology

Research Project Overview:
Students will investigate and analyze a media technologys history and a specific effect(s) on society or culture (related to that technology) of their choosing.

Paper Proposal Overview:
Students will write, in the form of an essay (no bullet points and no quotations), a proposal that details a media technology and the corresponding effect(s) of that media technology on society or culture. The proposal will also state the methodology of studying this particular media technologys history and its effect(s). This assignment is worth 5% of your final grade. 

Paper Proposal Objectives & Grading Rubric (Total 20 points):
Complete the following objectives and answer the following questions: 

Media Technology and Effects: (5 points)
    State your chosen media technology and the historical time period in which you intend to examine: 
o    What did the technology provide or what purpose did it serve?
o    When did it emerge, develop, or disappear? (choose one)
    What specific change or changes to society or culture were taking place that either  (choose one):  o Was the direct result of the technology  o Influenced the emergence, development, or decline in use of that technology o Is comparable to another technologys function that exists in a different form today

Methodology: (5 points)
    State explicitly what method you will use to study the media technology of that historical time period.
o    Technological determinism, cultural determinism, or media archeology?
    Cite and explain (in your own words) the definition from the assigned reading that details this methodology  o You must cite the assigned authors work and the specific page number(s) from which this definition can be found (no quotations).
    What are the weaknesses of this methodology and how will you avoid them in your project? 
o    You must cite the assigned authors work and specific page number(s) from which the discussion of the technologys weaknesses can be found (no quotations).
o    Explain what specific evidence and arguments you would need to provide a more complete and accurate account of the media technologys history and effect(s).

Sources from Outside the Syllabus: (5 points)
    Select and explain the relevance of one peer-reviewed source (from outside the syllabus) that will support your analysis of the change(s) in society or culture as a result of this technology. o Explicitly state the authors method of studying media-historical change.  o Summarize (in your own words) the passages that lead you to this conclusion (no quotations). 
    Select and explain the relevance of one primary source (from outside the syllabus) that will support your analysis of the change(s) in society or culture as a result of this technology.
o    What is the explicit argument the author is trying to persuade the reader to agree with? Explain (in your own words) using specific evidence from the text (cite the exact page number[s] for which this evidence can be found) (no quotations). 

In-text Citations, Works Cited Page, Spelling, and Grammar: (5 points) Proper MLA or APA citation format must be followed for all in-text citations.
    The Works Cited page must contain complete citations (MLA or APA format) for every text discussed/cited in the essay.
    Proper spelling and grammar must be followed, as well as adhering to the designated word count. 

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