Masters Social Work personal statement

This is a personal statement/goals/research essay for admissions to a MSW program.
Please use higher vocabulary (master’s level)
I made an example but some of the content I found online so it would be plagiarism don’t copy and paste. but its an idea of who I am . I’m mainly interested in foster care so please focus on that as an issue of social work I’m interested.

one point of the paper is to discuss my view of a current social issue and the role of social work in addressing it.(like I said above- foster care)

Also, goals…

here’s my example:

I am very excited to apply to the Masters in Social Work (MSW) program at ______. The one thing I have always known I wanted to do is to help people. What may sound like a bit of a clich, my desire and passion to work in the field of social work comes from a genuine wish to make a difference in peoples lives. Growing up, I gained insight into the work family and child social workers do, due to a close family friend fostering a number or children, children. I saw firsthand how much hard work went into the care of each child and just how valuable foster parents are. This is certainly an area I would like to gain more knowledge of in my studies. Also, personally my family worked with a social worker at one time and I remember very clear just how much of an impact that social worker made on my life, to this day we are still in contact! In undergrad, I studied Finance and Economics. I learned how to think critically, analyze data efficently, and understand the greater financial world. My first step into the corporate world I worked for Gillot Capital  interning (Venture Capital company), where I worked as a financial analyst and had the opportunity to take part in big financial decisions and I had the merit to network with many big companies. I also worked in a non profit organization where my daily work consisted of carrying out administrative tasks such as accounting, payroll, organizing events, etc. This job specifically, was very important to my personal growth as it taught me to be self sufficient as I was working alone most of the time. The organization ran various programs for children and college students. As a result, I became increasingly involved and interested in the aspect of helping people vs being behind the scenes in the finance part of the workplace. In addition to my full time job, I went weekly to a group home to visit children in the foster care system. I would help them with homework, run workshops, and assist the staff in any way they needed. Once again, I was able to witness the work they do on the front lines and gain an understanding of the patience it takes to be in such a setting. This is a huge factor in what has motivated me to further my education. I am especially interested in studying the unity of the family and the fundamentalist and Marxist theories that are linked to sociology and psychology. I want the opportunity to be able study and understand the different dynamics within a family, how the balance, structure, and social system can affect the development of a child, as well as the long term impacts. In addition to my own personal and professional experience, I have found learning these concepts is one of the key factors in developing my strong desire to pursue a career in Social work.
    Listening is a valuable skill that I possess, I am very aware of how powerful it can be to just simply listen to someone and for them to be aware of the fact that someone has taken the time and the effort to hear them. Im also very patient and that is something I have developed through a lot of personal self work. Along with my strengths, I believe I have some limitations. Self-confidence has been a continuous battle for me, I sometimes find myself second guessing my decisions. This is something I am fully aware of and working on. Moreover, I have in various situations found myself to make decisions based more on my emotions and less on logic. Wanting to heal everyone can be a good thing at times but within this field of work Im aware that it can be a limitation.

The services encompassed within social care have played a significant part in my life on both a personal and professional level. It is through these collective experiences that I have gained a deeper insight into the role of a social worker and the transformative support provided through it. Subsequently this fueled and furthered my ambition to return to education so that I can ultimately advocate for vulnerable people.

Please totally edit and delete parts of this to make it more original , though the personal stuff is true  and add more stuff to make it a proficient educated paper. thanks

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