Management of chronic pain in elderly people

Write a thesis/dissertation of at least 9000 words on the topic of the management of chronic pain in elderly people. Using the research framework PICO or PEO, to conduct Secondary Research on the topic of managing chronic pain in elderly people.

In the draft included, put the abstract before chapter 1. The abstract should be at least 250 words and should include the following headings: ‘Introduction’, ‘Methods’, ‘Results’, ‘Discussion’, and ‘Conclusion’.
Remove the lengthy material on the Roy Adaption model and provide a more detailed overview of chronic pain management. Include a rationale for studying this topic. Research gaps should also be included in the Introduction.
The “Assessment of stimuli” section should be moved to another part of the paper, not in the introduction.
Move the conclusion to the end of the dissertation and not the end of chapter 1.

Chapter 1 is the Introduction and should include:
a paragraph providing the background
a paragraph providing the rationale
a paragraph providing and discussing the question
a paragraph discussing the question model and how it was applied
a paragraph providing and discussing the aims
a paragraph providing and discussing the objectives
This chapter should be approximately 7001,200 words.

Chapter 2 is the Methods section and should include:
a ‘databases and search terms’ paragraph
a filled ‘search terms’ table
a ‘selection criteria’ paragraph
a filled ‘selection criteria’ table
a ‘screening’ paragraph
an ‘appraisal’ paragraph
This chapter should be approximately 1,0002,000 words

Chapter 3 is the Results section and consists of three parts:
First part
a discussion on:
the number of studies included and excluded
the type of studies included
general information on the studies included (eg number of participants, where the studies were located, etc)
a PRISMA flowchart
a Characteristics of Studies table

Second part:
appraisal of the included studies

Third part:
Presenting the findings (the actual findings (‘results’ sections) of the included studies, not discussions from the ‘discussion’ sections). Different headings are usually used for different studies.
This chapter should be approximately 2,0002,500 words.

Chapter 4 is the Discussion section:
This includes discussing the results (Chapter 3) in relation to the question. It includes explaining what these results mean and how can they be interpreted. Examples include what the review adds, the review’s implications (such as clinical and research implications), what should be done in the future, and how useful the review may be. The limitations of the review, practice, and research recommendations, will also be presented in this chapter. These should be presented as the last part. The recommendations need to be linked to the discussions presented in this chapter.
This chapter should be approximately 2,5003,000 words.

Chapter 5 is the Conclusion and should include:
a summary of what has been presented in Chapters 14. This includes the issue, question, main results, main points put forward, and condensed limitations and recommendations. This chapter should be approximately 7001,200 words.

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