M7: Single-Subject Case Design: Comparing Baseline to Intervention

The final part of your single-subject case design is your culminating assignment for this course. By this point, you should have tried an intervention with your client and continued recording data to see whether or not the intervention is working. Your goal for this final assignment is to compare the intervention data with the baseline and analyze the results. See the instructions below for details.

Comparing Baseline to Intervention
As you put together your final report, be sure to address the following:

Describe the methods you used to evaluate your practice: What research design did you use?
What indicators did you measure and how did you measure them? Be specific and include copies of scales or other instruments you may have used.
Define your intervention. Why did you select this? Use scholarly literature to support your decision.
Continue by describing your intervention data. Be sure to include all of the required elements from the Describe the Baseline assignment.
Then, compare your baseline data to your intervention data.
Based on whether data trends or has issues of autocorrelation in either phase, choose an appropriate statistical test to conduct your analysis. Be sure to explain the rationale for conducting this test along with your findings.
Based on your findings, would you stop the intervention, continue the intervention, or modify the intervention? Why?
For the final report, weave together into a final document the results of the previous assignments and the data analyses conducted by you in the class labs using SSDforR.

Your assignment should consist of the following sections:

Results (descriptive and inferential statistics)
Discussions of findings
Implications for practice
Limitations of the study and recommendations for further research

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