M6: Discussion: Supporting Grieving Adolescents

After you have completed your assigned readings, respond to all of the discussion board questions. Take into consideration the requirements as you create your response.

Discussion Prompt
Please be sure to answer all of the questions provided.

What are some typical reactions of adolescents to the death of a classmate?
What if the death was due to suicide?
What interventions have been found to be most effective in preventing contagion?
Take a look at a middle school or high school in your community and report on what programs they have in place to support their students’ mental health.

Stillion, J. M. & Attig, T. (Eds.). (2014). Death, dying, and bereavement: Contemporary perspectives, institutions, and practices. New York, NY: Springer. Chapter 20 Hooyman, N. & Kramer, B. (2008). Living through loss: Interventions across the life span. New York, NY: Columbia University Press. Chapters 4, 5, 6, and 7 Worden, J. W. (2008). Grieving children and adolescents. Lessons from the Harvard bereavement study. In K. J. Doka & A. Tucci (Eds.), Living with grief: Children and adolescents (pp. 125-137). Washington, DC: Hospice Foundation of America.

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