M5: Discussion: Supporting Those Who Are Grieving

After you have completed your assigned readings, respond to all of the discussion board questions. Take into consideration the requirements as you create your response.

Discussion Prompt
Please be sure to answer all of the questions provided.

Grief does not always require professional intervention. In fact, most people come to terms with their grief without therapy, but not without support.

What are some ways that family and friends can support those who are grieving?
Have you supported someone close to you who has experienced loss and grief? If so, how? If not, how would you support someone in that situation?
If you have experienced loss yourself, what was helpful to you? If you haven’t experienced loss, what do you think will be most helpful to you in times of grief?
We so often hear that people dont know what to do or say when someone has died. What ideas do you have about how to educate the public about what responses might be helpful?

Stillion, J. M. & Attig, T. (Eds.). (2014). Death, dying, and bereavement: Contemporary perspectives, institutions, and practices. New York, NY: Springer.
Chapter 18
Chapter 19

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