Legal Framework: Historical Investigation and Application

After you watch Dred Scott v. Sandford here please complete the following:

Investigate the case in some detail. Please supplement the video with outside research. You will write a mini-research paper that is approximately 750 words or 3 pages

Please address the following prompts:

1. What law/order/court case did you choose? Why?

2. Please summarize the legal action you chose?

3. Who did it effect? Whose mobility was restricted? Was there any group that had enhanced mobility because of this law? What year was it created?

4. What did race have to do with the law? Please explain the historical context under which the law was created in some detail. A war? Slavery? “Yellow Peril”?

5. Explain what geography or location had to do with the case? What geographic area inspired or was most influenced by these laws?

6. When was the law finally repealed or abolished? Has there been any apology from the U.S. government?

7. What were the human costs of these laws? Why do you think they were created?

8. Can you identify any laws today that are similar to the law you investigated?

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