knowledge assignment

Just need two separate paragraph (i don’t need cover page or reference page)

-think about your level of professional confidence and competence with nursing skills and knowledge. Where are the gaps? What experiences, situations, and relationships do you believe are important to support you as you move into professional practice?

-Reflect on Miller and colleagues research on new graduate preparedness in working with electronic medical records (EMR). What challenges and benefits do you anticipate, or have you experienced, when interfacing with the EMR? What strategies can you implement to ensure that you have a smooth transition in your documentation while using the EMR?
(Miller, L., Stimely, M., Matheny, P., Pope, M., McAtee, R., & Miller, K. (2014). Novice nurse preparedness to use electronic health records in acute care settings: Critical informatics knowledge and skill gaps. Online Journal of Nursing Informatics, 18(2). Retrieved from

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