Journal 4: Thesis and Line of Argument

Journal 4: Essay 1 Working Thesis and Lines of Argument (LOA’s)
Now that you have read and we have discussed “Cat On A Hot Tin Roof” in full, you need to develop a working analytical thesis and two lines of support you will use to support the (arguable) claim of that thesis.  For this assignment, you need to introduce your working thesis — a concise, single sentence that makes a non-obvious and arguable claim — and identifies (quickly) the two ways you will prove your thesis – those are called lines of support (LoS).
The form of your thesis should be something similar the this template:
As seen in terms of ______A_________ and ______B_______, “Cat on a Hot Tin Roof” reveals _____C______.  The A/B blanks are your specific lines of support (you’ll likely be drawing from the items you noticed using the 6 analytical moves, and possibly the drama elements I introduced).  The C blank in the template is your arguable claim.
Once you have introduced your thesis, defend why you think the thesis is non-obvious and arguable.  Remember the test for arguability.
After defending your thesis, explain both lines of support, making sure you allude to the specific details from the text that you will use, and how you will tie these to the thesis (i.e. an idea of your warrants — these are the logical explanations that explain how the specific support proves your thesis claim).  LoS’s are things like repetition (exs: the cat imagery repeated, or what both Brick and Big Daddy say, symbols like the crutch or liquor, etc).  You’ll provide the details in the body paragraphs – in the thesis, provide a short identifier (ex: repetition, symbols, etc). 
This assignment is designed to make sure you are on the right track for Essay 1.
Be specific/detailed.  MLA format/citations/Works Cited required, as is proper grammar and strong polish.

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