Is 1/3 a rational or irrational number?

##1/3## is a rational number.
Rational Number- Rational number are those numbers which express the ratio between two whole numbers (in this case between 1 and 3). The numbers in decimal keep repeating a pattern to infinite or stop.
For Example – ##1/13## = ##0.076923076923…## (076923 keeps repeating)
##1/7## = ##0.14285714285714285…## (142857 keeps repeating)
##1/2## = ##0.5## (This number stops here)
&##1/3## = ##0.333333333333333…## (3 keeps repeating forever)
Irrational Number – Irrational number are those number which do not follow a pattern. The number in decimal do not follow a pattern.
For Example – ##pi## = ##3.14159265359…## (this never end & it does
not have a certain pattern)
##sqrt2## = ##1.41421356237…## (This also never end & it also does not have a certain pattern)
The irrational number never stop nor follow certain pattern.

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