Individual Term Project Part 2

Refine the Scope for the project. you will refine the scope statement Submit as a 1-2 page MS Word document.

Develop the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS).  This will be submitted as your base project document in a software format that will allow you to add other components. (Microsoft Excel ) This will be referred to as your project software document.

Microsoft Excel has numerous spreadsheet templates catering to project management application.

The topic is ‘consider the construction of a $500,000 single family house in your city or region. Develop the project plan that would see this completed. ‘

I will post part 1 below. Everything u do is base on part 1, so read carefully .

Overall, u need finish 1-2 page about Scope Refinement and 1 page WBS in Microsoft Excel

Grade Standard

1.     Section 1 (Project Scope Refinement) (35%)   
    Topic appropriately described and focused    /35   
2.    Section 2 (WBS) (50%)   
    WBS effectively covers scope of project    /20   
    WBS structured to PM industry standard    /30
3.    Attention to Detail (15%)   
    The project software document is useable and professional    /5
    Accompanying text has correct APA referencing and formatting (title, headings & references)    /5
    Spelling and grammar    /5
    Total    /100

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