Impact of Physical Changes on Psychosocial Development in Middle Adulthood

Respond to this KR Other Post from the prospective of a 54 year old female
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2)    contribute to the quality of the discussion without criticism
3)    150 words minimum
4)    2 to 4 citations APA
5)    Clearly written and are original ideas rather than a recap of the KR POST contributions
Middle adulthood comes with many physical changes and affects both men and women differently.  While men see middle adulthood around the age of 35 women do not see middle adulthood till around the age of 39( Williams, 2017).  The difference is physical changes in both men and women are notably different.  Women during this time in their lives start to transition into menopause which causes hormonal shifts, infertility, and weight gain.  Women that go through menopause early in middle adulthood ( age 40-45) run a high risk of developing heart disease, osteoporosis, and a high mortality rate ( Williams, 2017).  Both men and women are affected sexually during middle adulthood.  Women can experience an increased interest in sexual encounters while men may become less interested due to a drop in testosterone.  Both men and women during middle adulthood typically experience weight gain, so a healthy diet and exercise will help decrease the risks that accompany an unhealthy weight. 
Generativity v. stagnation is a stage in middle adulthood that theorist Erikson. Generativity …represents reaching out to others in ways that guide future generations ( Williams, 2017), while stagnation is when an individual feels like they are not an influence on others.  This means that the more involved those in middle adulthood are with the community and those around them the better off they feel about themselves.  Overall this theory helps explain the overall mental health of someone in this stage. 
If a client is in a stagnation stage, as a human service professional we should offer them different community programs that they could get involved, help gather the family together if possible, and aid them in possibly seeking therapy or counseling. 

Williams, J.B.A.C.W.L.L. R. (2017). Empowerment Series: Human Behavior in the Social Environment: A Multidimensional Perspective.

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