this is the paragraphs that I write

According to this case study, there are two approaches in which the performance of an employee is evaluated. Namely, behavioral and outcome approaches. The behavioral approach is suitable when there is an absence of a direct relation between the outcomes and behavior, or when poor outcomes are, mainly, as a result beyond the employees control, or results are to be observed in the near future.
Whereas, the outcome approach is suitable when there are many methods to perform the job, or in case there is a direct link between behavior and outcomes, or when the outcomes improve consistently with time. As well as, when the employee meets the necessary traits.
Taking job description under consideration, a combination of behavioral and result approaches should be adopted. In this regard, the fact that account executives make sales calls often without observations from the managers, suggests that the performance of the account executives and their sales calls are obviously related. So, the behavioral approach can be useful tool of evaluation. Also, one of the main responsibilities of account executives is to provide training for new employees in this position. Which suggest the result approach can be a helpful tool in assessing the job performance, because the outcome of this training can be evaluated.

and here is the Q that I want answer for it ???

what approaches work best for your profession. 
How would you recommend that your job performance be evaluated-results? behavioral or a combined approach?
How  does that compare to how your performance is currently evaluated?

please in text citation and refrencess


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