Humanities – Love common theme in selected artifact

HUM 200 Project Part One: Exploration Document. I selected the following artifacts with the common theme love – Borracho de amor by Jose Manuel Calderon and Drunk In Love by Beyonce. See feedback below and Rubic
Feedback – I would like to have seen you reflect a bit more on how the theme(s) you chose is/are related to your own personal experience. For instance, you could discuss how the expression of the theme in your cultural artifacts is connected to you personally. This part of the project is probably one of the most important because without being able to relate to your topic, there isnt much to discuss. Keeping your artwork and theme close to home is always a great way to level-up your critical thinking skills in your degree program and in your career. The profession should be one that might be impacted by the common theme. I would like to have seen explain in more detail how the common theme applies to the profession you specify. This step actually plays a part in determining your best audience!

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