HR Selection and Development Across Cultures

Each team member should do the following:

Read chapter 14 and describe  3 lessons learned on the subject Human Resource Selection and Development Across Cultures
Watch these video clips and relate them to the material covered in Chapter 14 and your assigned company if a Multinational Corporation
Comment on at least three of your team members’ responses
Human Capital Trends 2016

This short video outlines trends and directions in human resources and talent management.

Introtain – International HR Management (English Version)

This video is an introduction to the topic of international HR Management. The audience learns how globalization influences HR Management and which challenges occur.

The Indian Hotels Company Limited Story: Organizational Performance: Its a Team Sport

For Indian Hotels Company Limited, delivering a world-class guest experience means ensuring that everyone in the companyregardless of their roleworks with a common purpose. Dr. P.V. Ramana Murthy, EVP and Global head of Human Resources, shares his companys experience in creating a team-based performance management approach that has fostered collaboration and transformed business performance.

The Sasol Story | Leadership for the 21st Century

For companies to excel in the 21st century, leadership must embody and spread the cultural values of the organization to all its people. As Charlotte Mokoena, executive vice president for HR and Corporate Affairs explains, Sasol has embraced an organizational culture initiative across its 32-country footprint. Powered by a comprehensive leadership development program, the initiative combines assessments, data, coaching, and unique learning experiences.

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