How to get better at the things you care about

Watch the video at the link below, then write a report as following instruction:

*Page 1-2:
This page I want you to list the question bullets below and follow with your answer.
URL of the video
Name of the presenter
Name of the presentation
Google the presenter.  A quick synopsis of what you found. 
Ex. What do they do primarily for a living, and what qualifications/certifications/professional degrees do they advertise.
Does the presenter have a LinkedIn account?  If so, what is the URL?

**Pages 3-4-5-6
Written as a report, NOT as a bulleted list and answer format.
You do not have to follow any specific sequence in regards to answering the questions below.

1. What was a question the presenter posed?
2. What was the key message?
3. How is the key message applicable in/to your life?
4. Why did you pick this video?
5. What changes will you make in your life that this video helps you accomplish?

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