How Percussion was introduced into church music

Term Paper: A paper at least eight pages in length on a musical work or topic pertaining to the time periods or cultures studied in this semester. You may select a work from the repertoire list or elsewhere as your topic, or you may write on a broader historical topic. Your topic must receive approval by the professor according to the timeline indicated below.

Your paper must present a clear thesis and a discussion of your chosen topic, backing up your statements with your research.

Term Paper Timeline
The topic for your paper must have been approved by the professor on or before Friday, September 25.
A bibliography for your paper is due on or before Friday, October 23.
A detailed outline or a draft of Paper 2 is due on or before Friday, November 6. (Subject headings do not constitute a detailed outline. Outlines must contain substantive information.)
The completed paper is due on or before Friday, December 4.

Format of the Papers
Please note that the style for these papers is not MLA style, but the Chicago Manual of Style. Guidelines for this reference style have been uploaded to Blackboard. The GVSU Library website provides links to several citation websites. In addition, please note that:

1.    Each paper must be double-spaced and typed. The font must be no larger than 12-point font. No hand-written papers will be accepted.

2.    Illustrations and musical examples may be included in the paper, but only if they support points made in the text. Illustrations may not take the place of text.

3.    The paper must be presented in a folder, report cover, or with the pages neatly stapled together.

4.    Pages must be numbered.

5.    At least five sources must be listed in a bibliography to be included at the end of the paper.  As is the case with printed sources, any websites consulted must be reputable sources. You may not count the class textbook or anthology among your minimum five sources.

All sources must be properly referenced in a footnote.[1]
Any form of plagiarism will result in an automatic failing grade for the paper and possibly for the course.

If you could send me a detailed outline on or before November 5th, I would be extremely grateful!

I have a bibliography attached. As long as you use one of them as a source, that would be fine. The other 4+ can be replaced.

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