
What different assumptions about the nature and purpose of religion do you see in the conflict over Mount Graham? Consider the perspectives put forward by members of the Western Apache community, and by representatives of the Roman Catholic Church. In your article, be sure to bring the article “Mount Graham: Science and Apache Religion” into conversation with at least one other reading or video from this module. (important at least one )

Read :http://nativeamericannetroots.net/diary/471

watch 1- :https://player.mediaamp.io/p/U8-EDC/qQivF4esrENw/embed/select/media/2zVLQF7ipVpd?form=html

2- https://player.mediaamp.io/p/U8-EDC/qQivF4esrENw/embed/select/media/zomzum7cgIY2?form=html

Grades will be based on:

-Depth of engagement with class materials (7/10 points)

-Writing quality (proper spelling, grammar, punctuation) (3/10 points)

Note: Please try to keep your responses down to the 200-word mark. While we will not necessarily take off points for posts that go OVER that length, the highest scores will be given to posts that demonstrate strong analytical depth while remaining close to the suggested word limit. 

Read requirements 

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