Homeland Security – WMD Security Issues Journal Article Analysis

Homeland Security – WMD Security Issues Journal Article Analysis

First, select a scholarly journal article relevant to the course regarding the US national response to weapons of mass destruction (WMD) or the psychological impact of an WMD attack on the population. Then conduct an article review of that article. It must be related to the course or course materials. The intent is for students to do some external research away from the provided references and find an Article in the AMU/APUS Library. Students should search the library’s online databases, such as ProQuest, EbscoHost, and others, to find scholarly or peer-reviewed articles.

Additionally, the review of the journal article is an evaluation of the article’s strengths, weaknesses, and validity. It is used to inform of the article’s value through your explanation, interpretation, and analysis. As you do this, ask the major questions that are central to the review process:

1. What is the purpose of this article?

2. Why is it important to investigate or examine the subject of the article?

3. How are the authors carrying out the task? Are their methods and comments appropriate and adequate to the task?

4. What do they claim to have found out? Are the findings clearly stated?

5. How does this advance knowledge in the field?

Writing Guidance:

The paper should be no less than 5 pages for the body of your work, double spaced (cover and reference pages are required – note that they are not factored into your page count). Appropriate writing requirements using APA style formatted citations and compiling a complete reference list in accordance with the APA guidance are part of the requirement (see Lessons area of the course of style guides).
Use scholarly or other relevant sources. Your article selection will be part of the grade.
No abstract is required.
Save your work as a Microsoft Word document entitled ‘YourLastNamewk#.doc’ (i.e., Smith1.doc) and upload this document as your assignment.

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