
Choose  ONE of the following topics. Also, remember not to copy and paste from any sources – summarize and analyze in your own words.

Write an imagined first-person account of your life as a Jew in a ghetto. Think about your age, gender, family, friends, work, religious attitudes, political attitudes, plans, hopes, fears, and anything else that you think is important. Create a vivid portrait that incorporates both emotion and historical detail.

Write an imagined first-person account of your life as a Nazi soldier policing a ghetto. Think about your age, family, friends, previous work, religious attitudes, political attitudes, plans, hopes, fears, and anything else that you think is important. Create a vivid portrait that incorporates both emotion and historical detail.

Describe Jewish ghetto life. Compare the portrayal of ghetto life in Schindler’s List to what you’ve learned in our readings this week. Is there anything Spielberg should have depicted differently? Why or why not?

Compare and contrast Jewish life living “freely” under Nazi occupation and Jewish life in ghettos.

Describe the full range of Jewish acts of resistance, from small to large. Which types of people chose to engage in which types of resistance and why? Which types of resistance were most effective? Why were Jews ultimately unable to stop the Nazi onslaught?

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