
Answer these questions devote 800 – 1000 words for each question only use sources provided.

1. What do we mean by “modernity”? Can it coexist with “tradition”? Explain with reference to at least three relevant course readings.

2. First-wave democracies became wealthy through imperialism and industrialization before they became democratic. But, in second and third-wave democracies, some experts argue that there is a tradeoff between democracy and development: countries that opt for democracy compromise on economic growth and development, whereas those that prioritize development suffer the political consequences of authoritarianism. Do you agree with these experts? Why or why not? Discuss with respect to at least three course texts.

3. Some scholars suggest that ethnicity and nationalism are wired into us and define who we are from time immemorial. Others disagree and argue that ethnic identities and nation-states are modern-day constructions. Drawing on at least three course texts, how do you adjudicate this debate?

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