golden state bridge

What is the name of the bridge? Where is it located? When was it built?
Who built the bridge? How was it built? Why was it built?

Introduce your topic by writing at least one paragraph in which you tell your audience why
this bridge motivated your search
2. Answer the questions by providing details and/or examples that support your findings. This
section represents the body of your paper and will be five to seven pages.
3. Close the l-Search paper by drawing conclusion. Finally, share your personal insights concerning
the experience associated with the discovery process about the bridge you chose. ln other
words, is you discovered something surprising, tell your audience at this point.
4. lnclude a Works Cited page in which you indicate, according to the MLA Format, the list of works
from which you actually cited material in your paper.
Note: You must follow MLA Format and utilize parenthetical documentation whenever you borrow
information, directly quote information, or paraphrase information in your paper.

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