Global Education

In the past two weeks you learned about Progressivist models of education. The examples presented in my video lecture were mostly from the United States of the Western hemisphere.
Your assignment is to do some online searching to discover and present to us 2 schools or programs that operate from a progressivist model.
Your two schools/programs should be from two different countries OTHER THAN the United States, Canada, Australia, or England.
Create a short slide show on PowerPoint about the two schools/programs. In the slides, do the following:
    Explain the school or program, and what you can glean about their mission, values, curriculum, activities, etc.
    Explain to us why you think each of these schools/programs fits the “progressive” (Hint:  having the word “progressive” or “sustainable” in their name isn’t a reason!).

I will grade these based on the richness/quality of the programs you’re describing, and how well they illustrate basic progressive education models/aims/values.

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