Find Article in Non-Ebsco database and Write annotation

please fill in the blanks I added my thesis. I already did number 1. and please make sure annotation is 200 words.

Locate one full-text, scholarly article for your final project in an appropriate database other than EbscoHost. The article should help fill in a knowledge gap in your research.  In other words each article should be relevant and reliable.

Type and submit your annotation, MLA citation, thesis statement, and answers to the questions below to Canvas

The annotation must include the three evaluation criteria of authority, reliability, and relevance.
Answer the following questions. If you have questions, contact me.

1) My working thesis statement for this project is: Fake advertisements on social media have a significant influence upon the brands business and they affect consumer behavior significantly in developing their buying pattern and choices.

3) The database I chose was ______________________________________

4)  The most successful search strategy I used was __________________________________________ (tell me exactly what words you searched, what operators you used, what limits you set.)

5) Is the article you chose — scholarly ____ or  trade _____?  RELIABILITY

How do you know?  _______________________________________________________


7) I found information on the author(s)  in the following place(s):  AUTHORITY



Write and submit your MLA citation and your 200-word annotation to Canvas. Use this in your Final Project.

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