Financial Analysis

Complete this FinRatio Comparison Exercise.xls Preview the document

To do so, using financial data for RBI and also one of their competitors. I suggest Yum Brands.  You can find this information for the last five years (2019-2015) on Hoover’s Database (in the Balance Sheet, Cash Flow, and Income Statements).

In Hoover’s Business Database (available from the library website of databases) – Look up the company name Restaurant Brands International (RBI) Then Scroll down to Look under  Financials – Balance Sheet and Income Statement to complete the spreadsheet.

AFTER completing Financial Analysis, please answer the following questions:

What conclusions can we draw after reviewing the financial data of RBI and Yum?  In your opinion, who is more successful?  How do you know? Can you see a trend in revenue, COGS, Profit, or debt?

What might our findings tell us about the trajectory of the industry?

Using the financial data, perform a Strength and Weaknesses Analysis for RBI.

2 Pages of Bullet Statements (maximum) + 1 Works Cited Page // Times New Roman // 12 Pt. // Double-Spaced

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