
1. Define traditional banking and describe the causes of its demise.
2. Explore different competitors to traditional banking, like credit unions and online banking – what do they use to compete with traditional banking institutions?
3. Explain why the government can’t simply legislate bad things out of existence.
4. Explain how the government regulators made the Savings and Loan Crisis worse, and exacerbated the Great Depression.

These questions need to be on the first page.

part 2

Despite the regulations that protects banks from failure, some do fail.

Go to:

Select the tab labeled “Report Analysis > Bank Failures.

How many bank failures occurred in the Untied States during the most recent calendar year?

What were the total assets held by the banks that failed? How many banks failed in 1937? 

Go to  This site reports on the most significant pieces of legislation affecting banks since the 1800s. Summarize two of the most recently enacted bank regulations listed on this site.

This second part needs to be on the second page with its own citaion

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