Select any article of your choice specifically from MIT Sloan Management Review, HBR, Academy of Management Perspective. You are required to critic the article.
The components are given below:
– Summarize the article and provide name of the author(s), titile, year, & volume.
– Identify the strengths & weaknesses of the article. (summary & Strengths & weakness = 1point)
Critical components are: Provide justification for each point!!
1. Is the title of article appropriate & clear _ (1 point)
2. Is the abstract specific? Representative of the article & in correct form? – 1 point
3. Is the purpose made clear in the introduction? – 1 point
4. Do you find any errors of fact & interpretation? – 1 point
5. Is all the discussion relevant? – 1point
6. Have any ideas been overemphasized/underemphasized? suggest specific reasons -1point
7. Are author’s statement clear? Challenge any ambiguous statement – 1 point
8. What underlying assumptions does the author have – 1point
9. Has the author been objective in his/her discussion? – 1point
10. Are the experimental methods described adequately? (if applies) – 1point
11. Are the study design & methods appropriate for the purposes of the study? – 1point
12. Do you find any content repeated or duplicated? – 1point
13. Are the statistical method appropriate? Did author provide any implications? – 1point
Recommendations & conclusion – 1point
The rubric for the final assignment are: ( Clarity, Accuracy, Proper Labeling, Logical reasoning)
Thought of clarifying about 10th & 13th requirement in the final assignment:
for 10th requirement
The expectation was “Are the experimental methods described adequately? (if applies)”. For your better understanding, I am rewriting the question – “Are there any appropriate methods (e.g., research methods, analysis methods) that have been used in the article or is it evidence based?”Hope this question is clear & specific.
Similarly, for 13th requirement:
Just indicate whether the article provide any implications or not.