
Requirements: 6-7 pages, double-spaced, 12pt Times font, 1 margins, page numbers, citations and a works cited page using a proper and consistent style, and a title. You must directly engage with at least two readings from our course syllabus and most of the elements of your archive.

Due 12/22 at 11:59pm via Canvas

The final paper should expand upon the work started in your midterm paper, revising and reworking the ideas and adding the elements proposed in the second research summary. You should include some of the writing from your midterm paper, but it must be revised and fully integrated into the new paper. You can use as much or as little of the writing from your midterm as you need. This is not a simple revision of the previous paper; it will be evaluated on its own merits. The criteria for grading will be roughly the same as the midterm paper. We will be looking for:

a complex and motivated presentation of the film or media history contained in your expanded archive. You should draw distinctive and productive connections between the elements of your archive. As you create these connections, you should also explain why they are meaningful or significant. 
a clear and complex methodological statement. By the final paper, this statement should be more complex, adding new dimensions to your framework for approaching the work of film or media history.
direct and substantive engagement with course readings and ideas. This will mean introducing, contextualizing, and directly quoting at least two readings.
detailed and substantive engagement with your archive. This will mean discussing a few of the materials (films, documents, etc.) in detail as well as considering what it means to talk about these materials together. Additionally, you will need to use at least one of your secondary sources in a productive way.
clear and effective prose. Your writing should reflect careful proofreading, including attention to proper formatting, transcribing of quotes, and grammar.
a clear and consistent citation style. You can use any citation style you feel comfortable with, but you must use it properly throughout the paper.
Overall, the final paper should present a small piece of film or media history while reflecting on your own work as a historian. 

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