Female empowerment through tourism


You will write an essay in which you discuss the relevance of one of the following contextual issues for destination marketing in a specific place. The destination can be city, countryside or coast, and it can either be one you have researched for this course or one that you know well from experience.

Your essay should make a case for the relevance of this issue for destination marketing how does this contextual issue currently influence the nature of the destination and how it can/should be marketed. You do not need to conduct any primary research for this essay; however, you must use ideas and topics discussed during the course.

Your essay will be assessed on the following criteria:
Thesis  statement  (20%) is  the  point  that  the essay  wishes  to  make  clear  in  the introduction?
Topic sentences (30%) does each paragraph make a clear point to support the thesis statement? Are the claims madein each paragraph valid?
Content (30%) does the essay include relevant topics/ideas/evidence from the course?Is the argumentation well-reasoned and well-supported?
Style (20%) is the essay referenced correctly (APA style)? Is it clearly and accurately written? Is the essaycoherent and cohesive?

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