
Chapter 3 from The Return of the Native

What is the Indian Trade and Intercourse Act and why is it significant in the
history of Indian-White relations? Finally, please list and describe the two major

Supreme Court Cases of 1831 and 1832 and detail why these cases were important

to tribal communities.

Chapter 4 from The Return of the Native

2). Please list and describe the survival strategies utilized by native communities in

the face of U.S. attempts to civilize and assimilate them? What role did religion and

ceremony play in these acts of protest and survival to U.S. incorporation policies?

Please be specific and give detailed examples from the reading.

Chapter 5 from The Return of the Native

3). What are the two formative processes that have shaped the pattern of Indian

political resurgence? Please explain each process and its impact on tribal

organization and self-concept. Be specific in your use of examples.

Chapter 6 from The Return of the Native

4). Who is John Collier and what was his role in the development of the IRA? Why

did Collier take this particular position? How effective was Colliers work in

transforming U.S. Indian policy in your opinion from the reading?

Hi this is how to format the assignment
All of your assignments should be typed, double-spaced, and as indicated above no larger than 12-point font. Your papers should also contain page numbers and your last name on the top right hand corner of each page.

I want this assginment to be 6 pages with one page with citation please

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