Ethics and Organisations

1. Discuss John Stuart Mills objections to Benthams utilitarian principles. Use the example of the pandemic to reflect on the limitations of the utilitarian perspective as a basis for moral judgment? (refer to the book utilitarian by john stuart mill)

(at least 825 words)

– start with objections/ statement
– discuss and refer to book and give examples
– compare and contrast
– realisation and critiques (example: john stuart critiques…….)

2. Drawing on Smiths Theory of Moral Sentiments, explain how it happens that man, who is a creature of self-interest, can form moral judgements? Discuss how our moral sentiments are acquired and developed over time. Drawing on Sen and Sandel, consider what problems are not addressed in the idea of ‘self-interested’ market exchange as a form of morality. (refer to theory of moral sentiments book by adam smith)

(at least 825 words)

– start with objections/ statement
– discuss and refer to book and give examples
– compare and contrast
– realisation and critiques (example: adam smith critiques…….)

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