Find a NEWs article that addresses an example of evolution ( A new article is an article from a media source like a newspaper or magazine tsuch as the New York Times , Fox , The Was Post , Vice etc. that addresses a current event. It does not include sources like Wikipedia, ehow , dictionarlies , academic journals, or other information websites)
2. Write a 300 word essay that essays that answers the following questions
a. What is the modern synthesis of evolutionary theory?
b. What evidence is there to support the theory ?
c. How does the article you chose exemplify the theory of evolution at work in the world today ?
3.Your essay should
be a total of 300 words or more
the 300 word limit Does Not includ the questions , names , titles , and references
it also does not include meaningless filter statements
have factual information from the textbook and /or appropriate articles and websites
be originalwork and will be checked for PLAGIARISM
you will receive a zero if substantial portions of your work are taken from other sources without proper citation
cite your sources type references accordin to the APA Style Guide
type your essay in a word document .