English homework 7

How to write the CRA(make sure to include all of the parts 1-5):
1. CITATION: For each text or chapter of text in each reading assignment provide the full citation information at the beginning of the CRA (name title publication date page).
2. PASSAGES: Select two (2) passages (about 1-2 good sentences) from each text or chapter of text to respond to. For example if you are assigned 3 chapters in one text then you should have two passages from each chapter for a total of 6 passages. Type the passage in italics surrounded by quotation marks followed by the proper MLA citation.
3. RESPONSES: Beneath each selected passage write your response to it saying as much as you can.
Example below: (the assigned text is a scholarly article)
Schunk D.H. Self-efficacy and Classroom Learning.Psychology in the Schools22.2 (1985): 208-223.ERIC.Accessed 2 Mar. 2015.
(1)teacher feedback that points out correct operations and remedies troublesome tasks helps studentsunderstand their mistakes and validates correct answers (Schunk 7).
I get so discouraged when teachers mark my papers wrong but they dont make any comments orexplanations about why its wrong. This passage makes me think that..
The purpose here is to practicereading-to-writeand making yourthinking visibleby taking your active reading a step further and thinking more deeply about your initial responses to the text. A good response will take at least a paragraph to explain your thinking.
4. RHETORICAL ANALYSIS: After you have written all of the passages and responses for the reading assignment think about the choices that lead the author (or each author) in writing this text? Identify therhetorical elementsof the text and speculate about what problems or questions drive the author. This is NOT to be a summary. The rhetorical analysis section is for you to practice thinking about and responding to the choices the author makes inpoint-of-view audience genre tone appealsandpurposeand how those choices affect the message of the text. A good analysis will take at least 1-2 paragraphs.
5. FURTHER INQUIRY: After you have completed all of the passages and responses and the rhetorical analysis for the reading assignment include a final section where you propose two (2) newintellectual problems or questionsthe reading raises for you. These should be points of FURTHER INQUIRY sometimes
taking you deeper into the text and sometimes taking you outside of the text to related issues. This section is designed to help you practice and learn to identify which of your responses/reactions have potential for productive writing and which may not. (Each new problem/questions should be a minimum of 2 sentences).
*Please make each section of your CRA clear and obvious and label appropriately. The following is an example that you may use as a template or you can format your own with similar clarity.
(Example Moody; Stegner)
Moody Rick. The Joy and Enthusiasm of Reading. This I Believe.Joy Allison and Dan Gediman Eds. NewYork: Holt 2007. 159-161.
(1)Blah blah blah blah blah. (Moody 3).
This passage about blah makes me think about..
(2)Yadda yadda yadda yadda ya yadda(Moody 1).
The idea of yadda yadda yadda makes me wonder if..
Rhetorical Analysis:I think that the author is writing from the perspective of __________ and that he uses _________ to explain __________. I think that the problem he saw was __________ and he wanted to find a way to __________ by using __________. Moodys purpose behind the text is to __________ and __________ etc
Stegner Wallace. Everything Potent is Dangerous.This I Believe.Joy Allison and Dan Gediman Eds. NewYork: Holt 2007. 234-236.
(1)passage & response
Rhetorical Analysis:Here I feel the author is..
(at the end of your passages and rhetorical analysis on the last page last paragraph
end with Further Inquiry questions)
Further Inquiry
1. If __________ is true then why would?
2. The idea of __________ doesnt seem complete; what about _________ and ___________?
*CRAs should be 2-3 pages long and are due on the day we discuss the texts in question.

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