
1. Read the following two poems that both explore parent/child dynamics and interactions and read/view the accompanying analyses of them. Annotate and jot down notes about things that stand out to you about the poems and the analyses about them.

Theodore Roethke’s “My Papa’s Waltz” (Links to an external site.)*Attached**
Analysis of Roethke’s Poem (Links to an external site.)*Attached**
Robert Haydn’s “Those Winter Sundays (Links to an external site.)” **Attached**
Analysis of Haydn’s poem  (Links to an external site.)  https://youtu.be/05cpnIvpkbE2.

In a fully developed response of at least 8 sentences, discuss in detail one or two things that stood out to you about one or both of the poems and/or the analyses about the poems.

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