End-of-Life Issue

End-of-Life Issues
To prepare for and complete this Discussion Assignment:
First, watch the documentary entitled Being Mortal.  Make sure to budget enough time for itits about 54 minutes in length!
You can find the documentary at the following link:  https://www.pbs.org/video/frontline-being-mortal/.
Also, just a heads up that this video features people talking frankly about death including patients who are approaching their own deaths.  It can be a tough watch, but also a really touching exploration of how we face our final days.
Second, read the article called A Framework for Ethical Decision-Making, which can be found at the following link:  https://www.scu.edu/ethics/ethics-resources/ethical-decision-making/a-framework-for-ethical-decision-making/
Third, you will need to investigate the controversy of physician-assisted suicide through your own internet-based research.  When you do so, make sure to dive into both sides of the issue, researching the types of arguments made for AND against physician-assisted suicide.  You will want to be clear about what standards people are applying when they make each specific argument for or against these practices (e.g., laws, medical ethics, religious/philosophical principles, cultural norms, any of the ethical frameworks discussed in the article you read, etc.) in order to deeply examine how people come to their conclusions about these practices. 
Fourth, review the relevant material from Chapter 10 in your textbook (and feel free to refer to other chapters if relevant as well).  This will help you to make connections between the textbook and this discussion topic.
5. Fifth, review the Discussion Assignment Guide (DAG) for specific tips on completing this assignment and the expectations on which youll be graded. 
6. Sixth, consider all of this information as you address the question sets below.  These question sets should all be posted together on the same message (but separated by number)

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