Earthquakes and People

Earthquakes and People
We have been hearing about disastrous earthquakes and Tsunamis all
over the world these days. This and other geological phenomena are described
in chapter 27 of your textbook. Your learning in this course will be incomplete if
those topics are untouched. Make a media production of the following aspects of
the Tsunami and/or earthquake, making special reference to the earthquake
and/or Tsunami of significant magnitude that happened in any part of the world
in 2017/2018/2019/2020. The following are the topics you need to cover through
the activity.
1. How are earthquakes caused? Explain the different types of seismic waves.
How are they detected? How are earthquakes predicted? Why are tsunamis
difficult to detect? What is a Tsunami? How are earthquakes and Tsunamis
2. Describe the earthquake you have chosen. Make a PowerPoint presentation
of the cause, origin, places hit, and the disaster caused by these events.
Use maps, pictures, and clear information in an organized manner.
3. Using appropriate visuals, discuss the social and economic impact of the
Tsunami and/or the earthquakes on the people affected and the world in general.
4. How does this earthquake of 2017/18/2019/2020 you chose to study
compare with those of two previous years? What were the differences/
similarities this time? Were there any forecasts or alerts? Describe them.

The PowerPoint Presentation should include all the information required in the Project from reliable sources, all cited “in-text” and on one or more Reference slides in correct APA, and presentation notes.

Source: Conceptual Integrated Science (2nd Edition) by Paul G. Hewitt, Suzanne A Lyons, John A. Suchocki, Jennifer Yeh

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