Drama essay

whichever topic you choose, your essay must be analytical and do more than merely retell the story (though some plot summary may be necessary to develop your argument).

Make sure your introduction begins with an appropriate “framing statement” that refers to the author and the text being discussed. Your introduction must also contain an argumentative thesis statement. Be sure to support your claims with detailed evidence from the text, and remember to include page numbers for all quotes.

Quotes must be integrated smoothly. Use the present tense as much as possible to refer to the text.

Remember that any sources that you quote, paraphrase, or summarize in your essay must be properly referenced.

This means that you must name your source in two places: in the body of your essay and on the works cited page.

– please choose 1 of the 3 topics listed below –

1 ) Discuss Joan MacLeod’s treatment of the theme of bullying in The Shape of a Girl. Locate a scholarly article that explains something about the psychology of bullying or the social factors that contribute to bullying and consider whether MacLeod’s play accurately portrays these psychological or sociological realities associated with bullying. Why do the girls in MacLeod’s play bully each other? Does MacLeod’s play offer any suggestions as to how bullying can be stopped or prevented? You may wish to think about the characters in terms of their status of either victim, bully, or bystander, possibly with a focus or emphasis on one of these roles. Find evidence in the text to support your claims. Your research article will probably come from a psychology or sociology journal.

2 ) Write an essay about Empire of the Son by Tetsuro Shigematsu, in which you discuss the significance of the play as an examination of male identity and the authors relationship with his father. A secondary source might include an article about male identity, possibly with a focus on the Japanese immigrant experience. Or perhaps you can locate a published interview in which Tetsuro Shigematsu shares insights about his life and writing. Your emphasis must be the play itself, so do not let your secondary source overwhelm your discussion of the play.

3 ) Write an essay on the representation of women in Empire of the Son. Draw on at least one secondary source to develop your argument.

Please let me know which 1 topic of the 3 you have decided to write on. If you are not able to find the readings online please let me know I can try to locate them for you.

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