Discussion Responses

There will need to be a review/response of 175 words minimum to each article. Each review will need to be written separately with the corresponding references below the review/response.

Each review/response will need to cover one of the following.

1. Compare/contrast the findings of others with your research; or 2. Share additional empirical knowledge regarding global business.

Both discussion reviews will need at least ONE PEER REVIEWED JOURNAL to support the response. Websites, Wikipedia, blogs, or etc. CAN NOT be used.

A title page or heading is not required.

Write in FIRST PERSON. As an example. ( I agree with you on the…, I think you made a valid point when…, I differ with you on…) DO NOT USE PHRASE SUCH AS. ” This writer had a valid point on…”

References will need to be in APA 7 format with a DOI link.

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