Discussion: Leadership Style and Constructive Feedback WK5 Comments

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Discussion: Leadership Style and Constructive Feedback
All of us by nature easily fall in love with our own ideas, our own words. Excellence is born of intelligent criticism. And maturity is the product of the self-confidence that seeks, accepts and benefits from criticism.
William Marsteller, Creative Management: A Euphemism for Common Sense

Regardless of your professional status, effective communicationparticularly the giving and receiving of effective feedbackis vital for the achievement of your goals. Whether your feedback is meant to inspire, motivate, resolve an issue, congratulate, or reprimand, you can achieve positive outcomes given the right delivery. Even in circumstances when you need to deliver difficult constructive feedback to someone, good communication skills can facilitate the recipients willing acceptance of your message. Giving and receiving constructive feedback is the norm throughout this doctoral program. For some doctoral scholars, it is second nature to give and receive constructive feedback, while others struggle for various reasons. You are gaining experience with this process during each weekly Discussion and, in some instances, your feedback experience is unique, such as in the Pretend You Are the Instructor Discussion you completed. Nevertheless, there are countless individuals who will provide you with feedback and many to whom you will give feedback. Developing the tactful skills of communication often takes practice, and understanding your personal leadership style is helpful.

This week you will assess your leadership style, and you will give and receive constructive feedback during your Discussion concerning the outcomes of your assessment. Additionally, you will construct your Personal Development Plan as a guide for your success.

To prepare for this Discussion, review the materials in the Learning Resources and complete The New Drivers of Leadership Self-Assessment, adapted from Casse (2014).

By Day 3
Post an assessment of your results. In your assessment, do the following:

Summarize your findings, including your scores for each Driver (energy, focus, speed, and challenge).
Evaluate the validity of this assessment, including whether you agree or disagree with the scores.
Explain how self-assessments such as the one you completed can help you know [yourself] in terms of strengths and weaknesses (Casse, 2014, p. 30).
Delineate the measures you will take to improve your leadership competencies.
Refer to the Week 5 Discussion Rubric for specific grading elements and criteria. Your Instructor will use this rubric to assess your work.

Read a selection of your colleagues responses.

By Day 5
Respond to at least two of your colleagues postings as follows:

Provide constructive feedback on your colleagues assessment by addressing the following questions:
In what ways has your colleague provided a thorough self-assessment based on the outcome?
In what ways could your colleague provide stronger evidence for or against the validity of his or her scores?
Based on your colleagues self-assessment, what are some additional, specific suggestions you have for enhancing his or her leadership competencies?
In your response, consider both the content and clarity of writing. To support your assertions, provide appropriately cited references, either from this weeks Learning Resources or from your own research. Remember to balance positive feedback with constructive criticism where appropriate.
Return to this Discussion in a few days to read the responses to your initial posting. Note what insights you gained as a result of reading the comments your colleagues made.

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