Discourse analysis-psychology

For this assignment, you are asked to analyse a media text on ONE of the following areas: 1) Benefit Scroungers, 2) Beauty Pageants and 3) Refugees/Asylum Seekers.  These texts are available on NILE under the Assessments Tab Please do not choose your own text

The Analysis
The analysis will involve identification of examples of discursive analysis as discussed in the lectures.

The Report

First Section – Introducing Discourse Analysis

The report should begin with an Introduction summarising the theoretical perspectives around discursive analysis using references from the research literature (there are sources available on the reading list)- approximately 500 words

Second Section Contextualising your article

Secondly, you should briefly introduce the topic area you are analysing in terms of how the media/society socially constructs certain individuals for example and offer competing debates from a range of sources such as Research Journals, Office of National Statistics and alternative media sources (broadsheet newspapers).  The wider political and social issues surrounding the topic area.  In other words, you will be providing a context from which to undertake your analysis and this will make your analysis section outlined below more comprehensive and applicable – approximately 500 words

Third Section The Discourse Analysis

Finally, you should look to analyse ONLY 3 4 extracts/quotes.  This analysis needs to be substantial and should link back (with appropriate references to support your key claims) to how language is used to position certain populations as discussed in your previous sections. PLEASE NOTE THAT ANY EXTRACTS YOU USE WILL NOT BE INCLUDED IN THE WORD COUNT approximately 1,500 words

The word limit set for this assignment is 2,500 words, excluding any text extracts you choose to analyse

Please note there is an Assignment Workshop at the end of the Second Term to offer guidance and support and answer any queries you may have.  It is really important to attend this Assignment Workshop if you need further help.

Anonymous Marking
we have an anonymous marking policy.  Please ensure you do not include any identifiable information on your assignment submissions such as your name and student number on a cover sheet or running header/footer.  Taking these steps will help us to ensure that all work is marked anonymously.  You will need to submit an assignment brief at the beginning of your assessment, so please make sure that no identifying data is shown on the assignment brief sheet.

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