
You have been asked by the editor to write a short article detailing the health impacts diabetic patients face, ways of preventing and treating diabetes.Ensure that you use your own wording and that it is student-friendly, explaining any technical terms you use.
Write your article and be sure to give your article a suitable title.

I wrote an introduction but I didn’t write the body and conclusion.
Here is my introduction:

We all need glucose in our blood because it is the source of human energy, but too much of it can cause us something called Diabetes.Diabetes is a serious disease condition where the glucose in the blood reaches a very high level. This happens when the pancreas does not secrete or produce enough of the insulin, which is a hormone that lowers the level of glucose in the blood after eating.With that being said, there are two main types of Diabetes, both of them are serious but with different conditions. Type 1 diabetes occurs when you can not make any insulin at all.Whereas, Type 2 is  a little different it occurs when the insulin you make is either not enough or can not work effectively.
There are a lot of health impacts that diabetic patients face. Both types of diabetes can lead to complications over time.  Diabetes can damage the heart, blood vessels, eyes, kidneys, and nerves

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