Developmental lifeline

Think about your life experiences during the early childhood stage. Examine a variety of theories and choose a minimum of one theorist(LEVY VYGOTSKY)  you want to use in cognitive and social emotional development for this stage.
Describe and define each of the following developmental domains indicated below, using real life scenarios from your life during the ages 3 to 5 years of age.

Physical Development: Includes all the growth and change that occur in a persons body and the genetic, nutritional, and health factors that affect that growth and change. Motor skillseverything from grasping a rattle to driving a carare also part of the physical domain. This section should include 3 developmental milestones related to physical development.

Cognitive Development: Includes all the mental processes that a person uses to obtain knowledge or to think about the environment. Cognition encompasses perception, imagination, judgment, memory, and languagethe processes people use to think, decide, and learn. Educationnot only the formal curriculum in schools but also informal learningis part of this domain. This section should include one example and a theory that relates to the example. The theory should be defined.

Social Emotional Development: Includes development of emotions, temperament, and social skills. Family, friends, the community, the culture, and the larger society are particularly central to the psychosocial domain. For example cultural differences in sex roles or in family structures are part of this domain. This section should include one example and a theory that relates to the example. The theory should be defined.

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