Cultural competency and self awareness

Part 1 (3 pages) Describe your identity including race/ethnicity, gender, age, ability/disability, social class, and sexual orientation. Which group were you born into and which have you joined since birth? How has it impacted your life? What unique characteristics do your affiliations have that other groups do not? What do you like about your culture(s)? What do you not like about that culture(s)? Have you ever experienced discrimination because of your affiliation with one or more cultures to which you belong? What was the nature of that discrimination? Discuss how your identity might influence your attitude or opinions about others who may be different than you. What roles have power or privilege or (lack thereof) played into shaping the person you have become? The purpose of this paper is to examine your identity and the intersectionality of race, gender, class, ability etc. influence your decisions, behavior and actions and how those aspects of your identify influence how you interact with other groups of people.

Read about this group and how to engage in culturally competent practice from each of the following three sources:

social work textbook
the Encyclopedia of Social Work
professional social work journal
Based on your academic reading:

Provide a brief history of how your chosen group has been oppressed
Discuss three of the following areas with regard to the oppressed group you have selected:
General information about family structures within this group (for example, nuclear, extended, single-parent)
Education disparities
Health concerns and disparities
How might members of this group access and respond to mental health services.
Describe/discuss culturally competent social work practice guidelines for this group and what it might it be like to provide culturally competent services in the U.S. for this group. Use the NASW Cultural Competence Guide. How might a member of this group respond to help from sources, such as a social worker who is outside of their culture or group or a member of their group?
We all have actual and potential biases. Given the various aspects of your own social identity what are some of the potential challenges that you might face in working with this population both from the client and within yourself? What would you do to address these potential biases? The paper length is a total of 7 pages which does not include the title and reference page. The paper should be formatted using APA 7 writing style. Cite and paraphrase your sources and do not use more than 2 direct quotations. Provide a complete list of references on your reference page using APA 7 formatting.

Part 2 (4 pages) Describe what you think working as a social worker with oppressed populations will be like. Select an oppressed group that differs from your own. For example, if you are a woman, then select a transgender person, males, or some other gender. If you have a learning disability, perhaps selecting another disability:

Select from one the categories:

Social Class
Sexual Orientation
Race or Ethnicity
Include either the ecological or strengths-base perspective to describe how social workers work with various populations. The purpose of this section is to explore as a social worker working with individuals or populations that have different experiences, ideals, and beliefs about culture than own. Find examples utilizing academic journals of how the group you selected has experienced discrimination or oppression. Include and cite at least 2 scholarly journals using APA style, double spaced, and 12 in. font. Submit your paper online via Webcampus  on Sunday, 10/04/2020 by 11:59pm

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