Critical Care Activity

You are writing for individuals with NO knowledge of this. See attachment for the pages.

1.    On pages 17 through 19 (2011) of Critical Care, Theresa Brown shares some of her thoughts / feelings about a patients, Jims, needs and about her learning process. 
a)    Please identify a passage (or passages) on page 19 that can be explained using Banduras Social Cognitive Learning Theory.  Explain how Banduras Theory applies.

2.    On pages 17 through 19 (2011) of Critical Care, Theresa Brown shares some of her thoughts / feelings about a patient and about herself. 
a)    Please identify a passage (or passages) in these pages that can be explained by using Bronfenbrenners Bioecological theory.  Explain how Bronfenbrenners Theory applies. 
b)    Please identify a passage (or passages) in these pages that can be explained by using Maslows Hierarchy of Needs Theory.  Explain how Maslows Theory can explain why the medical staff prioritized some of the patients needs over others. 

Note: One paragraph for each answer should be sufficient.

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