Answer the following questions in paragraph format, using credible resources (ex- Nursing Central, CDC website, etc) to support your responses. EACH question response should be one paragraph in length. Your responses must be detailed, thorough, and typed in your own words for submission via Blackboard.  Include at minimum two (2) APA formatted resources.

1.    What is coronavirus (COVID-19)? What are the signs and symptoms for mild cases?  Severe cases?
2.    What type of testing is being done for COVID-19? (oral swabsaliva) Compare and contrast the various types on accuracy and method of testing.
3.    Who is at the greatest risk for severe illness from COVID-19? Why?
4.    How is COVID-19 spread? Why is it so easily spread?
5.    How has this situation effected access to community health care?

6.Reach out to a vulnerable population member of your family or someone you know and discuss the COVID-19 health issues and how it personally affects them.  Incorporate a miniature teaching/educational aspect into this conversation that can benefit their altered lifestyle. Use your fact-finding assignment to help guide your education.  Be creative! Summarize the conversation in one typed paragraph at the end of your fact-finding questions. 

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