Company Analysis

Based on the following definition for a company analysis, please perform one for a company of your choice. This paper should include an introduction and conclusion. Remember to include a cover page and a list of references at the end of the paper. 12 points, times new roman, and 1.5 spacing. Bullet points are allowed for parts of the paper.

Company analysis

A good marketing plan includes an analysis of the company itself and what makes it unique. One common structure for performing the company analysis is a SWOT analysis, which stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats:

– Strengths: Describe what unique skill sets and resources your company has access to that can make it stand out from competitors.

– Weaknesses: List key challenges and weaknesses your team will have to overcome.

– Opportunities: Identify possible ways the business could achieve success and grow.

– Threats: Share the main factors that could impede your businesss profitability.

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