Clint Eastwood

Use either an Alphanumeric Outline, a Decimal Outline, or a sentence hierarchical outline.
The list of resources you expect to use includes website, books and films. This should be in the form of an Annotated Bibliography

give me the basic details of the director’s life and career. Identify some of the director’s most important films. What honors and awards did the director receive? Provide a sampling of critical opinion about the director’s work (i.e. film reviews or articles). View at least two films by your director and comment on them (one of them can be a film you would have watch previously for the class). Do not summarize any plots. Write about how this director used the following in these films: Editing (montage), Sound and Music, Cinematography, Special Camera Work (steady cam, hand held, optical effects), Special Effects (this can include stunt work).

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