Change and Innovation 3

Samygin-Cherkaoui, A.  (2015). McKinsey 7S Framework: Boost business performance, prepare for change and implement effective strategies. (Read entire book.)

Peters, T. n.d. A Brief History of the 7-S (“McKinsey 7-S”) Model

Recklies, D. (2014).The 7 S Model Summary and Application.
Tracey, J. B., & Blood, B. (2012). The Ithaca Beer Company: A case study of the application of the McKinsey 7-S framework [Electronic article]. Cornell Hospitality Report, 12(7), 6-13.

Include one scholarly article of your own choosing concerning this weeks change model and include it in your post for this week.  Be sure to include the citation for the article as well.

View 7S Model of McKinsey explained (2016) McKinsey 7S (2014)

After reading and viewing the assigned resources create a thread that provides your insights on the following assignment.

Prompt: Compare and contrast the assigned readings and videos in the context of business change management and innovation.  Analyze suggested methodologies of the authors and speakers to the advancement and improvement of business change initiatives.

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